How to Find the Right Firewood Processor

How to Find the Right Firewood Processor

There are several options available regarding firewood processing. From the features to the processor sizes, it's hard to determine which is best for an individual's needs. There are several points to keep in mind when considering using firewood processing equipment if you need to use firewood for business or personal use. A firewood processing equipment provider can also help you find the best wood processor for you.


Operation Size


The firewood market continues to be extremely profitable. According to the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 4% of households in the United States use wood as the main fuel for home heating while nearly 20% of homes get some heat from burning wood. Whether you need to process wood for your home or your business, your operation size plays a large role in finding the right processor.


Large operations should have professional attributes, like fast speeds, large capacity loading decks, and easy maintenance. For mid-sized operations, look for processors that can help maximize your production without being too costly. It would be best to consider cost since you may eventually want to upgrade to a larger processor. Small operations need to be focused on ease of use, quick setup, and not taking up a lot of space. A firewood processing equipment provider can help you determine the best processor for your needs based on the size of your operation.


Log Diameter


The processor you select needs to accommodate the logs you are processing. The best way to do this is to pick models that can handle one to two sizes larger than the average size of your log. Larger and smaller logs need to be processed differently. For example, larger logs need to be cut into smaller pieces. Different processors split wood differently, and you'll want to review the different options available to choose the right one to help you be more efficient and profitable.


Operating Costs


Once you choose the right processor, you must determine the operating cost and profitability. The productivity of firewood processing depends on how logs are handled, material flow, and how a workspace is designed for the person using the processor. The operation must be smooth and efficient to process most logs safely and without error. Be sure to consult with your firewood process equipment provider to ensure you find the most cost-efficient option for your budget.


The best way to determine which processor is right for you is to visit or contact a firewood processing equipment provider. Brute Force can help you figure out which one meets your budget and needs. Contact us today to learn more about the services we offer!

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